Re: [gamin] global config file

On Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 10:11:51AM -0400, John McCutchan wrote:
> Yo,
> I'd like to add support for a global config file. Does /etc/gaminrc make
> sense? I'd also like the 'fsset' command. It would look like this:

  It makes sense except I'm wondering about multiple files in a directory
but yeah at the current state it sounds fine.

> fsset <filesystem type as appears in mtab/fstab>
> <"KERNEL"|"POLL"|"NONE"> <unsigned int poll timer>
> This would set the two preferences on the filesystem type. You can set
> that you want KERNEL or POLL or NONE watching. You also set the minimum
> time between polls.

  Your description is ambiguous. Can your timer be missing ? If yes what's
  the semantic ? If no howdo you make an entry not changing the default.
  What happends when multiple conflicting declarations are present ?

> I'd like to factor the config file reading out of exclude.c into
> gam_config 

  You mean a new module ? We would lost history... there is pros and cons.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
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