Re: [gamin] gamin patch

On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 03:13:35PM -0400, John McCutchan wrote:
> > > -Change the retry delay from 100 to 1000 microseconds
> > > 
> > > 	At 100 I found it was retrying too fast
> > 
> >   No, I disagree, 10 times a second is not much. Is "found"
> > based on a real problem or a perception from your part ? 
> > In case forking the gam_server fails then this introduce a 25
> > second delay in that routine, I disagree with that change,
> > not applied.
> usleep is in microseconds. usleep(100) sleeps for only 1/1000th of 
> a second. usleep(1000) sleeps for 1/100th of a second. So with
> 1000 it is only a 25 millisecond delay. I found that when
> gnome-panel is starting up, each applet tries to spawn a gam_server
> and then each one loops about 15-16 times before being able
> to connect to the server. With the 1000 microsecond delay, 
> each applet would only loop about 2 times.

  Okay, my bad. I think we should wait far more then !
We should not loop actually in an ideal situation.

> I was going to tackle some of the code sharing between server
> and library. Would putting it under src/ and making a static
> library called gamin_shared.a work for you?

  Let's call that "lib" instead of src since other directories
actually contain sources too. Go for it...


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
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