Re: GUADEC 2014 video games BoF summary

Since we're sharing a mailing list:

We, managing/maintaining the gnome games, are pretty agile if you need
any added metadata-files. Maybe an extension to the appdata-files could
be useful to aid discovery.

I have yet to take a proper look at your proposals but I don't think you
will get any resistance from us.

We wanted the gnome games to be a unified experience. So the only thing
I would like to see is a common design (Allan Day has been doing good
work) for the Game Browser or frontend-part of the project and the gnome
This shouldn't exclude customization for living-room-setups of course.


Am Mittwoch, den 06.08.2014, 18:37 +0200 schrieb Adrien Plazas:
Hi everyone,

On GUADEC 2014 I presented the GNOME Video Games (woring title ;) )
projet and I leaded a BoF about it. Here is a presentation of this
project, a summary of what have been said during the BoF and a kind of
roadmap for the project.

Don't hesitate to participate by sharing ideas or giving a hand!

The project's past and present
The project have been started by Laurent Pointecouteau
( during 2012 and I
quickly joined the project. I worked on this project on my spare time
since then, mostly on researches. Unfortunately after some months,
Laurent have been less and less present on this project. If you ever
read this mail, come back Laurent, the fun part is barely starting!

Most of our researches have been compiled on that wiki entry:

During spring 2013, a game launcher prototype have been produced
( It's written in Vala and
Python and not much have changed since. During fall 2013, a game
console emulator integration prototype have been produced
(, leveraging the power of
libretro. It's written in Vala and C and not much have changed since
also. Both prototypes have been demoed extremely briefly during GUADEC

GUADEC 2014 BoF summary
      * Being an interface for games which don't have one (game engine
        packages, ROMs…)
      * Focusing on metadata (author, realease date, players number,
        used input devices…)
      * Integrate the games as much as possible into the interface
        (may not be possible for native and Windows games)
      * Advanced seach based on the metadata
      * Search for any type of game in GNOME Shell
      * …
      * Being a game provider (or a game store)
Title proposals:
The title must reflect what we want the software to be. The title is
still to discuss. Some possible title are already taken by actual
GNOME projects (GNOME Games and GNOME Video Arcade) and some are too
close to other similar softwares (Game Center on iOS).

Here are the different proposals:

      * GNOME Arcades
      * GNOME Entertainement System
      * GNOME Game Box
      * GNOME Game Center
      * GNOME Game Collection
      * GNOME Game Library
      * GNOME Game Shelf
      * GNOME Gamer
      * GNOME One-up
      * GNOME Play
      * GNOME Player
      * GNOME Press Start
      * GNOME Video Games
      * GNOME Videya (can anyone explain me what it means?)

A vote may help to decide what name we should choose. The softaware
may also have a nickname reflecting the canges of a specific release,
like Super *software's name* for SNES's support or Mega *software's
name* for Mega Drive's support.

Gamepad support for the most common gamepads should be added to the
Control Center (Xbox 360 Controller, DualShock 3, Wiimote). As I own
the three of them so I'll be able to help testing implementing such a

Shell integration:
It still have to be decided how the application may integrate into the
shell. Games presented as desktop entries may be problematic.

It is definitely a potential long term goal, but integrating with
achievments may be nice.

Some achievements related websites:


First release
It would be nice to have a minimal first release for 3.16

It haves to include:

      * Support for desktop games, Steam games included (with
      * No support for gamepad, achievements or anything fancy yet

It may include:

      * Support for DOS games, as they are easy to find legaly

Next versions:

      * Support some video game consoles
      * Support a tiny number of gamepads
Components to develop
The application:

      * It should be re-written in Vala
      * It should use GtkBuilder when possible
      * It should use Grilo to look for game metadata
      * It may use Tracker to look for games
      * It may use GOM to save user specific data
      * It should look for games in ~/Games (except for special cases
        like desktop entries)

The libretro binding:

      * A sort of ABI compatible GObject-based libretro implementation
        which actually alows to load libretro cores
      * It haves to be polished (needed for DOS support)
      * Shall we port it to C totally imstead of the actual Vala and

The Grilo plugins

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