Re: Sudoku Game and GSoC

>> Multi-threading would be nice, but a lot more could be done to improve
>> generation of difficult puzzles. IIRC, the current algorithm just makes
>> *random* puzzles and then scores them. I long intended (but haven't had
>> time) to make an algorithm that would actively *try* to create hard puzzles.
>> I imagine enormous efficiency gains could be made if you did some coding in
>> this direction that would probably outpace the gains of multiple CPUs.
> Yes, the current way is to just generate a bunch of puzzles and then
> scores them. Unfortunately it only generates a difficult one very
> seldom. There are other gtk based sudoku games out there so maybe it
> could be fun to create a gobject class to genereate puzzles? It could
> be a separate "AI" library to depend on like glchess does or just some
> code to keep in sync on the projects. (something exclusive for
> gnome-sudoku would of course be acceptable too)

I will have a look around, not sure if I will be able to do this
within the scope of the GSoC project though.

The issue I am having at the moment, is I am trying to write the menu
and toolbar, but I don't know whether to implement scoring stuff? If
there is a highscore table, then a pause/resume button is probably
needed, as well as a timer, however, as this is stuff not included in
the python version, I thought I would check?



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