testing, testing ... and a request

Gary Kline, hello

In order to get the src you must clone the gnome-game repositiry on github. Use the folowing command on your terminal.

git clone git://git.gnome.org/gnome-games

You can get more instructions here:

ps: Sorry if this msg doesn't get attached to the right thread. I'm getting used to mailing lists and digest mode.

Em 19 de fevereiro de 2012 10:00, <games-list-request gnome org> escreveu:
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 17:37:53 -0800
From: Gary Kline <kline thought org>
To: games-list gnome org
Subject: testing, testing ... and a request
Message-ID: <4F405271 3030202 thought org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

hi folks,

until a few minutes ago i thought that the games is the
/user/ports/games of freebsd [my  server] and the games in my ubuntu
were almost identical.  nope.  i have begun teaching myself gtk [C
language] and the "Help/About" of a game called Iagno" looks pretty
cool.  the 'Close' button was where is normally  is, in the lower-right
corner of the window, and to the left were two other buttons.

to save at least dozens of lines of code, i would like to have the src
to this game.  {so far, in linux, i haven't bothered with the source for
anything.   now however, i would like a look at the callback ffor this
one game.
can anybody clue me in on howto get it?


gary kline
{principal author: VBC}


games-list mailing list
games-list gnome org

Gabriel Krisman Bertazi

Ciência da Computação 011
Instituto da Computação
Universidade Estadual de Campinas

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