Re: Who's here

Hello Robert,

I am from Brazil, and willing to contribute to gnome, starting with zenity and gnome-games. Unfortunattely I am on an eartly stage, studying gtk and playing around with jhbuild.

Maybe a potential developer... :-)

Best regards

Carlos José de Almeida Pereira

"Que o caminho seja brando aos teus pés;
 Que o vento sopre leve em teus ombros;
 Que o Sol brilhe cálido em tuas faces;
 Que as chuvas caiam serenas em teus campos.
 E, até que eu de novo te veja,
     que a Deusa te guarde na Palma da Mão! "
                                              (Bênção Irlandesa)

On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Robert Ancell <robert ancell gmail com> wrote:
Hi all,

It would be nice to know who considers themselves active in GNOME
Games.  Give a shout out here if you feel you're any of these:
- Active developer
- Inactive developer
- Lurker
- Potential developer
- Other...

Any insights into if you feel you're getting closer to / further from
the project would be awesome!
games-list mailing list
games-list gnome org

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