Re: Gnome Women Outreach Program

2011/10/11 Anna Sośnicka <anna sosnicka gmail com>:
> My name is Anna Sośnicka-Cieśla (from Poland), and I'm writing to you
> because of 'Women Outreach Program'. I hope it's not too late, I've learned
> about program yesterday and found it interesting.
> I never thougth about open-source coding, for me it looks like work for some
> coding guru not me. But women outreach poster made me think about this. I
> still have doubts if I'm skilled enough. My programing expirience started
> with C/C++, and now I'm in love with Python :).
> I've chosen gnome games because I like them, especially Mahjong :). If you
> didn't get too much girls maybe there will be place for me to help. If for
> some reasons you can't offer me place in gnome games, maybe you could
> recommend me other project where I could be helpful as software developer.

Sure, we are making an effort to get everything in GNOME Games in
either C or Vala. If you want to convert one of the Seed games over to
Vala, that would be a great project that has a well-defined scope and
would be easy to build and get started with as it's using relatively
simple code with a very narrow task list.

I'm not really plugged in to the Women Outreach program right now as
I've been very busy but if you can meet the time constraints, I would
be willing to help you get your build environment set up.

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