Unable to build vala project out-of-tree

Hi there,

Is there anyone building gnome-games out-of-tree? Do you run into such similar build error like this?

make[3]: *** No rule to make target `../../../gnome-games/glchess/src/glchess_vala.stamp', needed by `../../../gnome-games/glchess/src/3ds.c'.  Stop.

This error was discussed in http://mail.gnome.org/archives/vala-list/2010-November/msg00023.html but I didn't find a resolution in it. The reason I pointed it out is I'm used to check out the source code into a git directory and do debug build and release build in separate directories out of the source code tree. It seems I have to change my habit because of this? FYI, in source tree build is OK.


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