Re: Did I found a bug?

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Vlad Volodin <vest 84 gmail com> wrote:
> Hello, dear developers.
> Today, I've downloaded gnome-games from svn trunk. I've compile them
> with --enable-clutter support and --enable-games=all (here is my
> configure script output ). Then, usual
> make and make install. So, I decided to check gnometris and aisleriot.
> I've found several issues. maybe you can help me with them. (I'm not
> sure, should I use Bug system in this case)

It's a clutter-gtk bug. It hasn't been filed on their bugzilla yet.

> when I started gnometris and opened it's preferences, I saw this. The
> clutter's view will be refreshed good after changing tabs.
> Is it clutter error, or mine? I'm programming with clutter-0.9, got
> from GIT, but Gnome Games are required clutter API 0.8 (I have
> libclutter 0.8.8)

Yes, that's right.

> If I use two cards in aisleriot (thirteen or pyramid), their empty
> spaced are not moved to back position. When I use aisleriot without
> clutter support, everything goes fine
> (, but I'm not
> sure, should aisleriot draw focus around it's empty spaces (if I click
> on them).

This is our bug. Please file.

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