Re: Translation licences

Am Donnerstag, 12. April 2007 00:06 schrieb Vincent Povirk:
> "Compatibility" according to that page only means that you can take
> code from two different licenses (LGPL and GPL) and combine them into
> a new package. The resulting package, however, must be licensed under
> the GPL. This is explained at

After sleeping over the issue, I think we can indeed go the pragmatic way that 
Andreas suggested. My assumption was that the GGZ libraries were "upgraded" 
to GPL, but they're merely included as LGPL pieces just like e.g. ggzdmod is 
a LGPL piece within the GPL ggz-server package. We just need to ensure that 
all GGZ sources have proper licence mentions in the source files (which they 
should have anyway). Binary packages created from gnome-games should mention 
the differentiation, too, since there is no way for the user to find out from 
the source files.

For example, we have the following for the ggz-server Debian package, which 
was introduced after Debian ftpmasters pointed it out:

ggz-server is licenced under the GNU General Public Licence. See
/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL for details.

The ggzdmod library is licenced under the GNU Lesser GPL. See
/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL for details.

The chess game server contains the libcgc library which is
Copyright (C) 2000 Dan Papasian, under a 3-clause BSD licence.
See /usr/share/common-licenses/BSD for details.

It's all compatible with the GPL, but still outlines the differences cleanly.


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