Re: Maintainership of gnome-games

On Mon, 2006-05-29 at 13:50 +0200, Paolo Borelli wrote:

> Puzzle/card games are small codewise and usually do not have 
> dependencies (OpenGL, SDL, etc) and do not have high hardware 
> requirements. They also have the property of not becoming outdated too 
> fast like it happens with other kind of games...

Games like Neverball and Torcs are great examples of fun games that are
outside the 'puzzle' mold.  monkeybubble is another good one.  Looking
in my games menu, the only games I see that requires any kind of reflex
is gnibbles.

I think it would be a great to see gnome-games project to cull some of
the older games, and focus on importing (or writing) some more
interesting games.  I don't want to get too caught up on the taxonomy of
games, but we have essentially five card games (blackjack, AR, freecell,
mahjongg, tali), 5 'ball' games (ataxx, five-or-more, four in a row,
iagno, same gnome), three puzzle game (tetravex, gnomines, klotski), one
'action' game (gnibbles) and one game I can't ship (gnotris).

And grobots2 doesn't really fit a modern desktop. S-:

But since I'm not the maintainer anymore and am not writing the code, I
just get to whine from the sidelines. (-:


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