Re: introduction and playing cards

Callum McKenzie wrote:

I really, really, like the cards. I have added them to
gnome-games-extra-data - the extra themes for gnome-games.

Some comments that I hope are constructive:
- They take an awfully long time to load. This is mostly due to aisleriot's drawing code sacrificing speed for quality and the only reason I mention it is that this is what stopped me putting it in the main distribution (with librsvg incorporating Cairo support now, hopefully I can redo the graphics code to cut out a lot of the crap).

It is also open fairly slow on my computer using eog/librsvg, but i have an old version of Gnome (2.10). The loading performance in Inkscape and Firefox is sensibly better.

- Even when the cards are set a reasonable distance apart, you can't tell what the suit is when they overlap. You might want to consider
   this for other cards you design.

You are right about this, i have not considered overlap when defined the design. I was going for big numbers and signs for readability.

- The white borders don't give a lot of contrast when laid on top of each other.

This should be easy to adjust once i find the right color. I tested a black outline and don't liked it.

Having said all that negative stuff about the details, they look really
fantastic. They have a very nice first-look wow! factor.


Can someone post a screenshot? As i said, i have an old Gnome and would be useful to see it in action, maybe for some quick tweaks.

Open Clip Art Library:
my clipart page:

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