Re: Problem with installing gnome-games-2.12

> On 9/15/05, Callum McKenzie <callum physics otago ac nz> wrote:
> That is true, Callum, that I used checkinstall. How can I use the
> 'rpmbuild -bb' route?  Could you please give some directions?
It isn't hard. These instructions will work for most things you want to
make into an RPM. They are also from memory (I haven't rolled any RPMs for
a good year) so read the manual if things don't seem to be going right.

First become root.

Now, go into the /usr/src/redhat (or /usr/src/rpm or something like that).
In there you will find directories like: RPMS, SOURCES, SPECS, SRPMS and
BUILD. Put the gnome-games tarball in the SOURCES directory and the spec
file in the SPECS directory. Go into the SPECS directory and run:

rpmbuild -bb gnome-games.spec

Replace gnome-games.spec with whatever the actual file name is for the
spec file.

Now wait. Once it is finished you should find a nice shiny RPM in the RPMS
directory (under the i386 subdirectory - or whatever architecture you are

If you use the 2.10 spec file you will also need to put the
gnome-games-extra-data tarball in the SOURCES directory. Furthermore,
remove any lines that start with Patch or %patch. You may also want to
remove the lines immediately under the comment "laywers are fun" if you
want to have gnometris built. If you want to play gnome-stones, set
build_stones (at the top) to 1. I'm actually basing this advice on the 2.8
spec file, so the advice may be a little wrong, but you should be able to
work it out.

Also note that source rpms aren't built (change -bb to -ba for that) and
that if you are lucky enough to have the spec file inside the tarball you
can forget about extracting it and use -tb instead of -bb.

Good luck,

 - Callum

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