Re: Problem with installing gnome-games-2.12

On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 00:04 +0100, Paul Smith wrote:
> No progress, Callum:
> # rpm -Uhv gnome-games-2.12.0-1.i386.rpm
> Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
>         file /var/log/scrollkeeper.log from install of
> gnome-games-2.12.0-1 conflicts with file from package
> scrollkeeper-0.3.14-5
> #
OK, that's weird. It is packaging a file that has been explicitly

Did you say you were using checkinstall to build the rpm?

Have you tried the normal 'rpmbuild -bb' route.

Looking at the description of checkinstall on their website they seem to
just do a "make install" and package the result. This ignores any .spec
files (which explains why using the 2.10 spec file doesn't help) and
packages everything (including the log files). It looks great for a
quick and dirty packaging of something without a spec file, but if you
have a spec file you should use it. 

 - Callum

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