Re: make localisation easier use more stock items (use them everywhere)

Alan Horkan said:
> I forgot to mention my disappointment that GTK doesn't seem to include a
> stock item for the top level View menu, which was one of things I noticed
> was inconsistently translated.

For what it's worth, just because it looks inconsistently translated 
doesn't mean it is. Back to your original mail, things "Pause" and "Pause
game" from Mahjongg are in the list of translatable strings, but not
because the original coder didn't use stock items and or he was confused
about which string to use. It's there because there's no available stock
items for a toolbar "Pause" toggle item with a "Pause game" tooltip...
Mahjongg's the only game with that feature.

>> I am uneasy about replacing New Game with New. The basic problem is that
>> the resulting stock icon is a sheet of paper.
> There should be some way to override this, and I'll have to look into it.
> I somehow doubt the desingers would have predicted someone wanting to use
> the stock item but not the stock icon, in most cases the stock icon seems
> to be what leads on to a Stock Item being created (which if true explains
> the abscence of a View item, damn I'd better file a bug and quit
> complaining about it.)

I'd also recommend against replacing "New Game" with "New", because the
context provided by the former could lead to a different and much more
accurate translation depending on the language... Very similar to
reasoning found in Bug #160583.

As far as the "View" stock item, I think that'll be taken care of anyway
once gnome-games moves stock items internally, which is planned Real Soon
Now (tm) anyway. All I'm saying is don't file a libgnomeui bug for it,
since it won't take. :)

-Richard Hoelscher

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