Pre-player for "Gay gordon" in AisleRiot.


Mostly I don't play computer games, but I've developed a liking for
"Gay Gordon" in AisleRiot.  I've been frustrated several times not
knowing if a particular game was unwinable or I was just not seeing
the solution.  This is even more frustrating because the game is
played with all cards face up.

So, mostly as an intellectual excercise, I wrote a Gay Gordon game
pre-player in C.  It's brute force (it'll find a solution if there is one)
with tree-pruning (WAY too slow without that) so it finds solutions
(if there is one) in a second or less on my run-of-the-mill laptop.
The code is all new, unencumbered by copyright, is in a single
source file, and is completely standalone.

I'd like to integrate it into AisleRiot to check out GG games before 
they  are presented so that (A) the player will *know* in advance 
that every game presented is winable and (B) can be shown the 
solution if the player gives up.

I spent about 10-12 hours writing this.  I'd like to spend an equally
small time integrating it.  Doing (A) should be much easier than
doing (B).  I'm looking for some pointers as to where I should be
looking in the code to include the checking functionality as in (A).
Any hints along those lines would be appreciated.  I think I would
not do (B) myself because the learning curve would be too steep
given the amount of time I am willing to invest.  (Just being honest!)

Please respond directly to me as I am not on the games list.

Jeff B.

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