Re: Upcoming bugs in CVS gnome-games

Callum McKenzie <callum physics otago ac nz> writes:

> This evening I am going to be committing some potentially troublesome
> changes to gnome-games CVS. I have separated the gnomine high-score
> dialog out into its own widget so that other games can use it (as of now
> this is only same-gnome). While writing this widget I used gob
> ( Gob is a preprocessor that takes a C
> ++/Java like object definition and turns it into GObject style C code
> thus eliminating a lot of the tedious typing normally involved with
> making GTK widgets. I will be including the generated files in CVS so
> that no one has to have gob installed to actually compile the code (you
> will only need it if you want to modify that widget). There is a good
> chance I won't get this right, so if anyone has troubles compiling CVS
> gnome-games please tell me (directly or via Bugzilla).

Hi Callum,

gob seems to be largely unmaintained nowadays.  Would it make sense to
just use the G_DEFINE_TYPE macros instead?  They generate cleaner code,
and are part of glib, which makes it easier for others to build off of.


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