Re: ANNOUNCE: Ghextris 0.2 "Rough around the edges" available

On Sun, 9 May 2004, Mikko Rauhala wrote:

> This seems to be a reasonable place for a preliminary mention a Gnome
> game I just whipped up in an effort to learn some basic Python/Gnome
> programming and to get something fun out of it; apologies if this list
> is supposed to be exclusively for the gnome-games package (though I
> wouldn't object to this game making it into the package at some point :)
There is absolutely no objection to promoting games here or asking for
help either. Just as long as it involves games and GNOME then it's on

As for getting into gnome-games. Until I get the current lot under control
that isn't going to happen. In this case python is a potential problem
since there is no general agreement about languages other than C in the
desktop distribution (although gnome-games has optional C++ and scheme
based parts).

> like a persistent high score list and installation scripting. (Pointers
> to howtos or examples on the use of python-gnome2's high score bindings
> would be appreciated.)
The high score code in GNOME is going to be deprecated, I intend writing a
replacement (and have started on a replacement scores dialog, see gnomine
in CVS / 2.7.1). The high scores might also be a problem with python since
the program is required to be setgid, scripting languages usually don't
like doing that.

Anyway, there is no HOWTO that I know of, but looking through a game like
mahjongg and finding all the gnome_score_* and gnome_scores_* lines should
give you an indication about what to do. I expect the API mapping from C
to python to be straight-forward.

Indication of what you would like in an API are also welcome since it's
going to be rewritten.

 - Callum

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