Re: AisleRiot Suggestions was Re: Forking Gnome-games 2.2.x freecell?

> The feature I miss most is being able to move cards by clicking instead of 
> dragging. Playing aisleriot on a laptop is not enjoyable for me. I have 
> created a rpm package for Fedora based on gnome-games 2.20 and have downgraded 
> to it on my laptop.
> I see there is an open bug #123329 on bugzilla. I will add my comments there 
> as well.
> Ron
My intention is to fix this in the 2.7 time-frame. It is certainly a
feature worth having, but I need to find the time to write it since it
would require some significant modifications to aisleriot. For example
there is no mechanism at the moment to high-light a card and the whole
click handling callback (which is non-trivial) would have to have a new
state inserted. It's not that difficult, but it does require a lot of
thought. If there is a volunteer out there, feel free to have a go.

 - Callum

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