Re: Database in

On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 18:40, Jaime Anguiano Olarra wrote:
> This is great!
> Rodrigo is the person who can open you account. I
> send copy to him.
> I think you should create a new table in the guadec DB. In order to do
> this you must ask Rodrigo or Carlos to do so. Then
> you just have to work create the table or alter it. Normaly you won't be
> able to create it by your own. It would be great if you create the table
> locally. Using guadec as DB (MySQL) and then 'mysqldump' it to a file
> that you may send to Rodrigo or Carlos. Rodrigo likes SQL extensions for
> those files.
I don't really mind about it. Just send it as you like, as long as it is
a SQL script that I can easily run in the server.

Ok, you've got the CVS account now set up. Try:

$ export
$ cvs -z3 login

and let me know if you've got any problem.

Rodrigo Moya <> - <> -

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