Re: registration forms

On 20 Feb 2002 13:38:53 +0100
 Juantomas Garcia <> wrote:
 > Hi,
 > On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 13:18, Kim Schulz wrote:
 > > hi guys
 > > what is preventing os from putting the registration forms online? 
 > we need to have the last definition. 
 > I have a form that Jaime started and 
 > I need to confirm that's all the information
 > we need to store. That's the only question
 > to launch it.

 the site is broken....there is an "i" too much in line 80 of
 registration.php. for some reason I cant commit it to the CVS. but I
 guess that someone is working on this, because while writing this the
 error moved to line 84. To me it looks like we have all the info we
need (maybe even more). 
 > We need to make a big revision. In the last month nothing important
 > was improved in the web. I'm not so happy with that and 
 > now we're in a hurry ...

 yep we really need to get this site ready now. 

 > Do you mean impatient to be registered
 > or impatient to be in Sevilla?

 to get registered and to get info about reimbustment. Most hackers
won't come if they cant get reimbustment, and you can't get reimbustment
 before you are registered. Me for instance - I have to book plane
 tickets today at latest and it's almost impossible to get cheap places
 to stay in sevilla during the conference days (I think you have some
 sort of festival there too). I dont have the money to come unless I get
 at least some of my travel expenses paid. 

 Kim schulz

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