Re: registration forms


On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 13:18, Kim Schulz wrote:
> hi guys
> what is preventing os from putting the registration forms online? 

we need to have the last definition. 
I have a form that Jaime started and 
I need to confirm that's all the information
we need to store. That's the only question
to launch it.

> If I understood Jaime correctly, then all the sites was completed and
> just needed a GO! from the rest of the team. 

We need to make a big revision. In the last month nothing important
was improved in the web. I'm not so happy with that and 
now we're in a hurry ...

> People are starting to get impatient. 

Do you mean impatient to be registered
or impatient to be in Sevilla?
Best Regards

> later..
> Kim Schulz
> -- 
> [     - En nĝrds bekendelser!            ]
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