latexila 2.0.1

About latexila

LaTeXila is an Integrated LaTeX Environment for GNOME, written in

The main features are: - Customizable buttons to compile, convert and
view a document in one click. Latexmk is used by default, but Rubber
and the "low-level" commands such as pdflatex can also be used. -
LaTeX commands completion - Document structure to easily navigate in
it - Symbol tables - Templates - Easy projects management - Some menus
and toolbars with the principal LaTeX commands


- Editor setting: forget you're not using tabs
- File browser: show all files except clean-up
- Centered Formula: \[...\] instead of $$...$$
- Some other little improvements and bug fixes

========  (302K)
  sha256sum: 735f649245b104f6cc1f7615594e9d0a6fa7b93b08530dd7655a4e62554677d6 (320K)
  sha256sum: 713264a10e662f093595201c0e040f82fd108747f8731b5970d9cd00884a7eda

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