latexila 2.0.0

About latexila

LaTeXila is an Integrated LaTeX Environment for GNOME, written in

The main features are: - Customizable buttons to compile, convert and
view a document in one click. Latexmk is used by default, but Rubber
and the "low-level" commands such as pdflatex can also be used. -
LaTeX commands completion - Document structure to easily navigate in
it - Symbol tables - Templates - Easy projects management - Some menus
and toolbars with the principal LaTeX commands



* Release 2.0.0 (Nov 13, 2010)

- LaTeX commands auto-completion
- Manage build tools with a GUI
- Most used symbols
- Manage projects easily
- More items in LaTeX menu
- A new Math menu
- Some symbols and icons regenerated (with a new script)
- Reset all preferences button
- French and Spanish translations updated
- Some other little improvements and bug fixes

* Release 1.99.1 (Sep 2, 2010)

- Bug fix: critical messages with several windows
- Bug fix: save a new document on disk
- ChangeLog updated

* Release 1.99.0 (Aug 25, 2010)

- Rewrite in Vala
- One instance of LaTeXila can manage several windows
- Thanks to unique, a new file is opened in an existing window if it's in the
same workspace
- Better search and replace, inspired by MonoDevelop
- Build Tools: Rubber is used for documents compilation
- French translation updated
- Spanish translation added

* Release 0.2 (Feb 20, 2010)

- New logo and icon (Eric Forgeot)
- User-friendly output for the compilation:
	* The output is filtered: only errors, warnings and badboxes are
	* For a message, the file and the line is extracted, so the user can
	click on a message to go directly to the right file and line.
	* Statistics: how much errors/warnings/badboxes
	* Buttons for the navigation between the errors/warnings/badboxes
	* Options in the preferences: show all output,

- Stop the execution of an external command
- Clean-up build files
- File browser: combobox with all parent directories
- Create a backup copy of files before saving (e.g. filename~)
- Autosave files every X minutes
- New default template: beamer presentation
- Create personnal templates: choose an icon
- French translation updated

* Release 0.1 (Dec 28, 2009)

- File browser integrated
- BibTeX and MakeIndex support
- Templates:
	* 4 default templates (article, report, book and letter)
	* possibility to create and delete personnal templates

- Tools: Indent/Unindent, Comment/Uncomment selected lines
- Search: Goto Line
- Documents menu: Save/Close all, Previous/Next document
- Documentation: LaTeX reference from Kile
- Edit toolbar and the LaTeX menu: math stuff
- More preferences:
	* Style scheme support (GtkSourceView)
	* Remember the files opened at exit and reopen them on startup
	* Clean-up auxiliaries files after close
	* Indentation (tab width; spaces instead of tabs)
	* Highlighting (current line; brackets matching)
	* Show the two toolbars on the same line

- Undo/redo: check if the buffer is saved
- Find/Replace: under the source view instead of a dialog
- Some icons updated
- French translation updated

* Release 0.0.2 (Oct 17, 2009)

- Symbol tables: Greek letters, arrows, relations, operators,
delimiters, misc math, misc text (661 symbols)
- Edit toolbar and the LaTeX menu: sectioning, references,
environments, list environments, characters sizes and font styles
- Possibility to reorder the document tabs
- Command line options: --new-document, --version and --help
- A lot of little improvements
- Bug fixes
- Nicer display of output commands when compiling or converting a
document (the output is showed progressivly line per line)
- Log zone: keep only the five last actions
- French translation updated

* Release 0.0.1 (Sept 2, 2009)

- Syntaxic color
- Buttons to compile, convert and view the document
- All common things found in a text editor...
- French translation

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  sha256sum: e84fe297ba817e2de398de95e2bc39494422999ff8da1601ecb161e38207902a

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