gtk+ 2.91.1

       Module: gtk+
      Version: 2.91.1
  Uploaded by: Matthias Clasen
 sha256sum: 278f5784ac12fb0d3e5edec718d82f3ca91a8fd192e280fb0404d087cc0368ac
      size: 24M
 sha256sum: 465557060c4c3cef3f9aaa608da375e87500a27b531957eb67183ad9fa3cab6f
      size: 16M


Overview of Changes from GTK+ 2.91.0 to 2.91.1

* GTK+ can now add a resize grip to any window. The resize
  grip functionality in GtkStatusbar has been removed.

* A very old bug in the handling of geometry widgets has
  been fixed, and a way to set geometry in terms of the
  geometry widget has been added: gtk_window_resize_to_geometry()

* The GtkFileChooser now uses GSettings to store its settings
  instead of the keyfile ~/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini

* GtkWrapBox has been dropped from GTK+ again. The widget
  will be available in libegg until clear use cases have
  been established.

* GtkWidget now has horizontal and vertical expand flags, in
  the form of ::hexpand and ::vexpand properties. These flags
  are intended to obsolete most custom container-specific
  expand child properties, over time.
  Expandability is inherited up the widget hierarchy.

* GtkComboBoxEntry has been deprecated in favor of a
  ::has-entry property on GtkComboBox.

* The GtkComboBox text convenience API (gtk_combo_box_new_text(), etc)
  has been deprecated in favor of a new GtkComboBoxText class.

* GtkLinkButton has gained a ::activate-link signal that
  can be used to suppress the default behavior.

* The very outdated tutorial has been dropped from the GTK+ distribution,
  and a new 'Getting started' section has been added to the API
  documentation that will accumulate tutorial material over time.

* Bugs fixed:
  68668 Fix handling of geometry widget
 313350 Return type of gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask...
 351247 GtkScrolledWindow is mis documented
 423201 gtk_combo_box_entry_active_changed does not transform...
 563002 Doesn't call 'update-preview' on set_filename
 612396 Implement GtkComboBoxText subclass to supersede "text"...
 613728 Rationalize GtkTreeView focus
 628902 use expand flags to determine window resizability
 629722 save_entry_get_info_cb() doesn't behave correctly
 629778 Scrolled window does not behave properly with height-for...
 629955 Deprecate / remove gtk_main and gtk_init_add / remove* API
 630850 Use GSettings for the filechooser settings
 630900 GtkCellRendererClass: unify const of GdkRectangle args
 631203 Scrolling in GtkTextView can use 100% cpu
 631311 Obvious fix for nasty crash in menu code
 631473 Fix GTK+3 documentation
 631475 Two old GDK_foo key macros left in gdk/quartz/gdkkeys-quartz.c
 631599 Allow to use arbitrary surfaces for offscreen windows
 631719 Action-based menu accelerators don't synch with GtkMenuItem
 631794 Warn when calling gtk_window_parse_geometry() on an empty...
 631976 Remove GtkWidgetAuxInfo from GtkScrolledWindow
 632059 Move the introduction of the tutorial in the reference
 632095 GtkTargetEntry: Add boxed type and constructor
 632140 optionally take hotspot coordinates from the pixbuf...
 632218 BadMatch when starting gnome-shell

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