gtk+ 2.23.3

       Module: gtk+
      Version: 2.23.3
  Uploaded by: Matthias Clasen
 sha256sum: 64ae526a4e10187a16fc41d818e9b8ae8c1633a85a287f7c252c6de6c3ea76e1
      size: 26M
 sha256sum: 8d99bb78555b7d4a9c6d42824895fb4d12ddb9f332bc0e46b2db71baaa12117a
      size: 18M


Overview of Changes from GTK+ 2.23.2 to 2.23.3

* New deprecations:
 - GtkRuler (and subclasses)
 - gtk_widget_reset_shapes
 - gdk_set_sm_client_id
 - Foreign window APIs
 - gdk_spawn_*
 - gdkx_visual_get
 - gdk_net_wm_supports
 - gdk_set_locale, gtk_set_locale
 - Some GDK text conversion routines
 - gdk_drag_context_new
 - gdk_drag_find_window and gdk_drag_get_protocol
 - gdk_xid_table functions

* Bug fixes:
 629955 Deprecate / remove gtk_main and gtk_init_add / remove* API
 634558 Selecting "Search" should focus text box for keyboard entry
 634697 gdk: Add XSetting for "gtk-cursor-blink-timeout"
 634882 Usage of deprecated GLib API (g_source_get_current_time)
 635307 iconcache: Ensure we don't lose data on power loss
 635588 Clicking URL to be opened freezes the application for seconds
 636832 does not exist
 637069 Custom print settings set in custom-widget-apply are lost
 637156 Optimize gtk_widget_shape_combine_region (widget, NULL, ...)

* Translation updates:
 Norwegian bokmål

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