java-gnome 4.0.2

       Module: java-gnome
      Version: 4.0.2
  Uploaded by: Andrew Cowie
  md5sum: 83b97ac99240b4de28c35cba7b291fbf
    size: 176K
  md5sum: d125c1e4e92f4f758f1e6f0389807ddb
    size: 144K


<a name="4.0.2" id="1171283501" title="End of the beginning"></a>

java-gnome 4.0.2 (12 Feb 2007)

_The End of the Beginning!_

Major bugfixes and refactorings

Setting and getting properties on GObjects requires some tricky manoeuvring.
We implemented the code to do this early on, and it looked like our general
mechanism for getting Proxy instances for arbitrary pointers was working  fine
for properties. It turns out, however, that when you call `g_type_name()` on a
GValue _containing_ a GObject, it returns the name of the type that was listed
when the property specification was registered, rather than saying it is a
GValue (as you might expect) or what the object actually is (that you might
_also_ reasonably expect).

This led to all kinds of nastiness since the type name was what we were using
in our `instanceFor()` mechanism to discriminate (on the Java side) what kind
of Proxy subclass to create. The example we tripped over was asking for the
parent property of a Button packed into a VBox. What `g_type_name()` told us
was "GtkContainer", not "GtkVBox"! And that was a big problem, because
Container is abstract, and besides, we want to instantiate a concrete VBox
Proxy, not a Container one!

Solving the problem involved major changes to:

 * **`org.gnome.glib.Value`**
 * **`org.gnome.glib.Object`**
 * `org.gnome.glib.Plumbing`
 * `org.gnome.glib.GValue`
 * `org.gnome.glib.GObject`

The solution basically boiled down to having two separate code paths: one
named `objectFor()` [a greatly simplified version of the previous
`instanceFor()`] which returns normal Proxy objects for GObject subclasses
(Buttons and Labels and whatnot), and a new code path available via
`valueFor()` to specifically return our GValue Proxy for the cases where we
know we're getting a GValue back. Since that occurs in limited and known
circumstances only (ie, when we're getting properties) it's no problem to know
which to use when.

Thanks to Davyd Madeley for extensive debugging assistance, and credit to
Manish Singh, James Henstridge, and Malcolm Tredinnick for having analyzed the
root cause issue and having clarified that two code paths would indeed be

As often happens when you kick a stone loose, we were able to do a number of
refactorings to clean things up. This eventually led to the realization (ok,
epiphany) that our treatment of the GValue mechanism was needlessly complex.
Toss. We no longer have individual Value subclasses for each different
fundamental type, but rather just leave them as opaque references:

 * <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">
 * <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">
 * <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">
 * <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">
 * <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">
 * <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">
 * **`org.gnome.glib.Value`**
 * `org.gnome.glib.Plumbing`

This allowed a further simplification of the `valueFor()` mechanism and even
more smashing about in Plumbing with a chainsaw. Net result was a _reduction_
by several hundred lines of code. Yeay!

All of these changes were confined to the internals of the binding machinery
and are not user visible.

Loading `.glade` files

User interface designers are nothing new, but one of the really cool things
about GTK has long been the existence of `libglade`. It's a library which
takes the output of a one of the GNOME user interface designers (such as such
as **Glade 3** or **Gazpacho**) and dynamically, at runtime, generates live
Windows full of Widgets!

With the arbitrary Proxy retrieval sorted out, the beginnings of a binding of
`libglade` was possible. None of the fancy stuff is there yet, but a `.glade`
file can be loaded, and Widgets retrieved from the instantiated tree.

* **``**
* **``**
* _``_

The JavaDoc for these classes clearly indicates that this is preliminary and
subject to change. It may well all be blown away when GtkBuilder lands. We'll

Testing framework

We've introduced the beginnings of a unit test framework. At the moment, this
just evaluates various getters and setters without doing anything that
requires the main loop. Despite this, the unit tests end up exercising the
entire Proxy system discussed above; validating that the properties set and
get and that the correct Proxy object is returned through a round trip is no
mean feat.

You can run the suite from Eclipse, by specifying a JUnit 3 launcher on class
UnitTests in the default package in `tests/java`, or by running 

	$ make test

the command line.

Further coverage

This release also sees the addition of:

* **`org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserAction`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserButton`**

Along with mocked up code for:

* _`org.gnome.gtk.GtkFileChooser`_
* _`org.gnome.gtk.GtkFileChooserAction`_
* _`org.gnome.gtk.GtkFileChooserButton`_

This is significant because GtkFileChooser is an _interface_ in GTK, and
GtkFileChooserButton implements it. We'd been putting off the question of
dealing with GInterface (would it work or be a major problem?) for a while
now. We were delighted to find that the design implied by the re-engineered
bindings handled it cleanly, elegantly, and without any fuss. Another nice
validation of our new architecture.

Finally, a number of new signals were exposed on: 

* **`org.gnome.gtk.Widget`**

though these were mostly the result of doing live demonstrations at
conferences of how easy extending the coverage of the new bindings is.

Memory management

We have successfully implemented full GObject memory management in java-gnome
4.0 using GLib's ToggleRef mechanism.

A strongly referenced Java Proxy will not allow its GObject to be destroyed
out from underneath it; meanwhile, as long as the GObject is still referenced
by something other than java-gnome, an otherwise only weakly reachable Java
object that Proxies it will not be finalized. When the situation _does_ occur
whereby the GObject is only referenced from java-gnome, and the Java object is
no longer strongly referenced by any other Java objects, then the Java object
can be garbage collected and the GObject will be unref()'d and destroyed.

You can watch the reference system in action if you set
`Debug.MEMORY_MANAGEMENT` to `true`.

Huge thanks go to Vreixo Formoso Lopes who collaborated on the design,
reviewed the implementation, and contributed test case code.

Build system improvements

A better detection of jni.h is done on Ubuntu, thanks to Michael Kedzierski.
This makes java-gnome more likely to build out of the box on Debian-derived

On the eve of release, Srichand Pendyala noticed that if you are running such
a system, a package named `libglade-dev` needs to be installed. Of course, on
more modern systems all the necessary dependencies are present merely by
having GNOME installed in the first place. We'll add a check for this Debian
specific behaviour in 4.0.3.

The `VERSION` and `APIVERSION` constants were moved to

* `org.gnome.gtk.Version`

so that anyone working on the Gtk main class isn't forced to do a
re-configuration every time they save.

Installation and Packaging

java-gnome 4.0 now has the standard `make install` command, and the equally
standard `--prefix` option to `./configure`.

	$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
	$ make
	$ sudo make install

The `install` target understands the `DESTDIR` variable used by packagers to
install to a specified prefix _within_ a temporary directory.

See the [`README`](README.html) file for details.

Looking ahead

The feature additions described above were done to bring java-gnome up to
speed for the GTK & GNOME tutorial given at [][LCA]. With that
past, we're not going to do any more manual mockups of code in what will be
the generated layers. Focus now turns to designing and implementing the tool
that will parse `.defs` files and output the translation code.

Once we secure funding for the project, the code generator will be our top
priority and shouldn't take more than a couple months to complete.



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