Re: zoom and pan

> I grabbed the latest sources today with CVS, but I'm still seeing  
> strange behaviour if I click the Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons.  If I  
> pan to put my waypoint of interest at the centre of the display, and  
> click Zoom In, this waypoint is near the bottom of the zoomed  
> window.  Is this the desired behaviour?

No, let me double-check.

> Panning - I note that if I click Pan, I can only pan once, then I  
> have to click again.  Sometimes this is a pain, but it might be a  
> pain if you had to deselect pan too.  What about an option to allow  
> using a right-click to pan?  I.e. you wouldn't have to click the pan  
> button, you could just right-click to drag the map in the direction  
> you wanted.

Damn, I need better documentation.  You can do exactly that,
except that it's the middle button.

My to-do list includes a small prompt on the screen to let you
know what the buttons do.  See the upper-right part of this
snapshot for an example:


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