Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of December, 20th, 2016

tis 2017-02-07 klockan 11:36 +0100 skrev Andreas Nilsson:
On 2017-02-07 06:51, Cosimo Cecchi wrote:

  * libertyVPS server donation
   * ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we actually need a

Depending on the specs, one potential use of this server could be
public transportation support in GNOME Maps.
We've been working on a branch [1] for a good while now, but the
will be disabled by default when it hits master since we don't have
server to host the OpenTripplanner data.
See this post for more info

Thanks for looking into this, and thanks to LibertyVPS for the

Yes, it would be awesome if we could use this offer to power an
OpenTripPlanner instance.
I have made scribbled down some details including some estimation
figures for RAM/disk usage here

There is also a page with some links regarding the implementation and
rough usage figures for our current turn-by-turn-based routing (using

The current temporary demo server I had set up for FOSDEM is currently
running with transit data for Belgium and consumes about 2.3 GB in RAM
usage (resident memory used by the Java process right now) and around
500 MB of disk for the generated graph object and the downloaded GTFS
feed files, but there probably needs to be some margins, and also some
extra headroom for running the update process (which re-generates the
graph objects when new GTFS data feeds are downloaded).

One option, if we can't get a machine with really large amount of RAM
might be to run something with some sample data sets as a sort of



- Andreas
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