Re: GNOME Software London Hackfest 2016

On 22 March 2016 at 17:47, Ekaterina Gerasimova <kittykat3756 gmail com> wrote:
The short notice for the event will make it more difficult to get good
value on travel/accommodation costs, which is why the travel committee
asks that hackfests are organised well in advance and requests are
sent it at least a month before the event.

Yup, I know, my apologies. I originally had this as a hand-picked
meetup of specific people from specific companies, but quite a few
other GNOME people were interested too. I'm also working with about 7
calendars so we were really limited on possible dates. Until 3 days
ago everyone was happy to self-fund travel and hotel so it wasn't
super important. If the lateness makes it a total *no* from the
foundation then let me know and we can ask around for other donations.

Please keep in mind that there may also be interest in the hackfest
from others too.

I actually wanted to keep things small to avoid needing a larger venue
and so we actually got stuff done. In my experience the larger the
hackfest the less actually gets done. I've got a soft limit of 10,
with 8 places already taken, so I don't think I can make this a huge

If anyone is missing wiki privileges, please forward their wiki
username to me and I will get them added today.

Thanks. I can copy the participants from the doc to the wiki if it helps.


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