Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 6:51 AM, Marina Zhurakhinskaya
<marinaz redhat com> wrote:

It's not just the time commitment we are looking for in the board members, but also experience. Karen has a 
tremendous amount of experience in free software non-profit space. In the last two months, she has been 
very generous with her time as a volunteer for GNOME.

Time commitment is an elusive beast.  I put about 5 hours as director,
but put a lot more for engagement and QA.  Other times I might spend
more.  It depends.  Having Karen on the board will create a sense of
continuity.  Karen's experience in both being in ED and continuing to
be an ED for another foundation will be benificial, on the ground
experience.  Sometimes you don't actually know WHEN to ask for an
opinion.. I know that we've been bitten by our own experience from
time to time.

I don't think we should be putting too much stock on the question "how
much time do you have as a director?"  II expect somone who is a
professional will be able to gauge how much time they have and are
willing to do it.  If you are going to apply for a position on the
board, I expect that you've done the research and is able to commit to
the time to be a director.

Let's not ponder on whether someone has the time, let's focus on
whether they are an asset on the board.


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