Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler

On 2014-05-20 11:42, meg ford wrote:
Hi Karen,

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Karen Sandler <karen gnome org> wrote:

I am extremely busy. I was just reading through all of the emails to board candidates this morning, as the time I've had in the last few days for GNOME I've spent volunteering on time sensitive things that I think must be done. This includes following up on outstanding invoices and also tracking a GNOME trademark matter. I also reviewed and commented on the contract for the GUADEC local organization (there may have been other things that I'm forgetting).  And this is all in the last week, and not counting recording the voice over for the cool documentation video that Bastian is putting together :)

I have to say: being on the GNOME board takes a lot of time. It's not a small commitment that the candidates are offering to make! Most boards meet quarterly at most, so meeting every other week is really a lot. However, I think it's worth the time expenditure. I just recorded an oggcast on this topic (what it means to serve on a board of directors and whether you should want to do it), which unfortunately won't come out until next week.

If elected, I'll probably use my time for GNOME by participating in the meetings and working on things like I've been doing as a volunteer mentioned above and am less likely than some other candidates to engage in lengthy discussions on mailing lists, but I think that's ok provided that some of the other board members focus on that important role (I will chime in on discussion, it just might not be right away or in great detail).

It seems, from the other responses, that the other candidates plan to
spend  5 - 10 hours per week on board-related duties. How many hours
per week do you plan to spend?

I just wrote about this in greater detail but didn't want to leave a direct email to me unanswered.

The short answer is 5 or more, possibly more like 2 (hopefully) when traveling or very busy :)


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