Agenda for board meeting September 17th

Hello everyone!

The next board meeting is this Tuesday the 17th of September at 16:00 UTC

* Implement a Foundation employee policy for COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) * At the face to face board meeting we discussed having employee salaries increase when inflation increases, as other comparable nonprofits do.
* Adopting a photography policy for GNOME events.
 * Ongoing action, see last meeting minutes
* Montreal Summit update
* Scheduling an IRC Foundation meeting
 * waiting until after 3.10
* Travel reimbursement time frame request form Michael Hill (see ) * Reimbursement should happen within a specified time period, for example 2 weeks after receipts are sent in
 * How will this affect the new process for small events?
* New travel sponsorship process for small events
 * Update for Montreal Summit
* Womens Outreach Program
 * New round is coming up
 * General status update
* It would be good to discuss some questions around the contracts for the mentors

- Andreas

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