Re: Proposal: DNS change becomes A record and starts getting phased out.

On Wed, 2013-05-08 at 10:02 -0700, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
We are looking into changing our irc server name from to and looking for feedback.

I think you mean or

Essentially, it's become problematic to have 'gimp' in the name of our
server.  To many, 'gimp' is an offensive term an given our dedication to
a11y it seems counter-intuitive to have this name in our infrastructure.

Although, GIMP is an acronym I was not aware that connotation of gimp
(as a non-English speaker I am not aware of many words either).

With due respect, I think it is a coincidence.  Bad coincidence.

The proposal is to make be an DNS A record and we will
continue to honor as a CNAME for one year in which case we
will then remove it altogether.

Other than the name of the server being changed and possibly any associated
certs I do not forsee any other impact.  Folks will have to change the name
of the server they connect to, software like XChat will need to update
their config files of default IRC servers to reflect the change.

I think we can promote, but I do not think it is our call
to remove any domain or subdomain associated with GIMP project.  Did you
ask to GIMP folks what do they think?

Anyway, if you make the change, you should change, and as well.

Also, the change would be meaningless if the network name and the
welcome message does not change.  At the end of the day, in XChat you
choose the network you want to join, not the domain name.  That is the
visible part most of the days.

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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