Re: Discussing changes to the GNOME Foundation Bylaws

Em Fri, 2012-08-31 às 20:51 +0200, Tobias Mueller escreveu:
> Dear Foundation,
> we worked on the bylaws and this is the current status. Please find the 
> current bylaws here: <>.
> I converted that PDF to reStructuredText and you can find the current 
> bylaws in that format here <>.
> (This list only allows attachments <40kB :-\ )
> The membership voted to change the bylaws several times since 2002, but 
> the actual bylaws were never updated. Also, some things work now 
> differently than a decade ago. We came up with a changed version which 
> you can find here 
> <>. The 
> diff of the changes is here 
> <>.

This is hard to read. Can you put it in bugzilla? That way, people can
comment on the patches directly there, and see the differences side by


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