Re: Questions about the new GNOME Forums

On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 2:34 AM, Dave Neary <dneary gnome org> wrote:

So it doesn't surprise me to see people pushing back against forums here. And it wouldn't surprise me to see a lot of push-back from active forum posters to joining a mailing list. A StackExchange channel (or whatever they call them) might be a nice half-way house, but there's always going to be conflict between the "low investment, high noise, sip from the firehose" environment of forums and "high investment, lower noise, batch process" environment of mailing lists. Both are useful for different audiences.

To be considered a success it just needs to be self managing.  Once you have critical mass, the forums more less help themselves and it's just other GNOME users helping others.  There isn't really that much developer participation.  Certainly, I don't remember seeing any developers I know in Ubuntu participating in any of the Ubuntu forums other than the community managers.

From what I can see so far, people are slowly helping each other.  Once they get index'd into google it'll be even more easier to find answers to GNOME questions.

Dave Neary, Lyon, France
Email: dneary gnome org
Jabber: nearyd gmail com

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