Re: Questions about the new GNOME Forums


On 11/21/2012 08:17 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:
On Wed, November 21, 2012 1:14 pm, Bastien Nocera wrote:
Are those new forums:
the official GNOME forums?

If so, why does they not follow the GNOME web style used on,
and more importantly, why are they hosted on a fansite
( instead of

These are unofficial forums (now labeled clearly as such), though I think
we should consider making them official at some point, perhaps after a
period of time where we can see how they do.

I think newcomer users really expect to get information in the forum
format, so I think it could be very useful. I guess we'll see what happens
there in the meantime :)

Forums require little up-front investment - you don't get email to your in-box when you join the forum, you can read forums without joining at all, the archives are often easier to search than mailman archives, there's no expectation on the part of forum members that everyone reads all the forum posts... When you're not part of the community, it's an easy way to interact with active community members, without committing.

People inside the community, in general, hate forums for the same reasons people outside love them - there's no guarantee when you send a message that it will be read by the people who need to read it, you actually need to go there to read messages, notifications on most forums suck (with the exception of "subscribe to this topic" features) so you need to stop working, go visit a website, and see who's replied to your question/comment. The SNR is much lower, because the barrier to entry is lower. And you can't batch process forums the way you can emails. Forums also don't make it easy for you to flag certain content as important the way you can email threads/posts.

So it doesn't surprise me to see people pushing back against forums here. And it wouldn't surprise me to see a lot of push-back from active forum posters to joining a mailing list. A StackExchange channel (or whatever they call them) might be a nice half-way house, but there's always going to be conflict between the "low investment, high noise, sip from the firehose" environment of forums and "high investment, lower noise, batch process" environment of mailing lists. Both are useful for different audiences.


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
Email: dneary gnome org
Jabber: nearyd gmail com

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