[Friends of GNOME] Flaws in one time payment process (with paypal ?)


I wanted to bring attention to the foundation a flaw about the Friend
of GNOME donation process.
Last year around beggining of march I gave 100$ as a one time donation
using paypal.
Few days ago, while looking at my paypal activity I discovered 100$
was withdaw from GNOME foundation without any notice.
I found this payment happened exactly one year after another one with
the same amount, that's I linked this to my previous year FoF

So apparently there is a flaw somewhere:
- the one time payment seems to be actually an recurrent annual
payment (I don't remember being informed of that when I did my
donation last year)
- there is no notice (from GNOME and Paypal) of the upcoming withdrawal
- I can't stop the donation

There is actually another problem, which is it is not possible to edit
the properties of the donation, so the details are the same that the
previous year:
- Cannot stop the donation or change the amount of money
- same sponsored hacker
- same details for the gift (cannot change tee shit size, …)

it would be really appreciated to fix this issue, and improve the
donation process of Friend of GNOME for any future donor.


ps: I opened a bug to track this issue [0]

[0] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671115
Baptiste Mille-Mathias
Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés
[w] http://damnpeople.fr

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