Re: Candidacy: Lionel Dricot

Lionel Dricot <lionel dricot lanedo com> a écrit:

> At Lanedo, we have been surprised a few times by people who were
> thinking that there was no commercial support available for GTK+. We
> have heard of companies switching to Qt because Qt was guaranteed by a
> company.
> Things like that clearly show a lack of communication and a problem of
> "image".
> Is it the GNOME foundation job to address this kind of issue? I think
> yes.

I don't know what "addressing this kind of issue" means in practical
terms but I am not sure it's the job of the foundation to e.g, market
commercial offerings of businesses, even if those offering are related
to GNOME.  That sounds to me like a kind of homework that falls into the
plate of said companies.

We are a non-profit organisation with limited resources.  Communicating
around the commercial offering of /one/ company can be a
non-straightforward exercise, when you want to do it right.  Even more
for the commercial offerings of /several/ companies.  Do we really want
to take that route?

> My opinion is that the GNOME foundation could be a good place to
> develop even more the business ecosystem around GNOME

I'd be interested in learning more about what you mean by this, in
practical terms.  Could you give an example of what thing you'd like to
see happen in this area?


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