Re: Boston Summit logistics (was Re: Desktop Summit Planning)


Le vendredi 16 décembre 2011, à 10:39 -0500, Richard Stallman a écrit :
>     Thanks so much for offering to look into this, Richard! I hear that the
>     Stata Center was a better location in the past than the Economics Building
>     if we have the choice...
> When it was in the Stata Center, which rooms were they?  If I get the
> room numbers, I will know exactly what to ask for.

I never went to a Boston Summit in the Stata Center, but in 2004 and
2005, we had rooms 124 and 144 (according to schedules on the wiki: and

In the last few years, I think we had E51-315, E51-325, E51-335, E51-345
(in the Tang Center).



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