Re: GNOME Foundation Board Elections Spring 2010 - Preliminary Results


Le mercredi 16 juin 2010, à 01:57 +0200, Tobias Mueller a écrit :
> Candidates in order of (first) votes received, with affiliations:

May I suggest that, in the future, you don't put this list in the
announcement since it's different from the results? It was a bit
confusing at first (for me, at least) to have two different lists :-)


> If the results are not challenged, then the elected directors will be:
>       Brian Cameron
>       Emily Chen
>       Paul Cutler
>       Og Maciel
>       Germán Póo-Caamaño
>       Andreas Nilsson
>       Bastien Nocera

Congratulations to Emily, Brian, Paul, Og, Germán, Andreas and Bastien!
Diego, Jonh, Baris, Seif: I'm sure you'll find ways to contribute to the
Foundation without being on the board!

> The Committee would like to thank all the voters and all the candidates.

And thanks to the elections committee! :-)


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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