Re: New Friends of GNOME program launched!

Le samedi 17 janvier 2009, à 09:32 -0300, Jonh Wendell a écrit :
> Em Ter, 2009-01-13 às 17:36 -0700, Stormy Peters escreveu:
> > Hi GNOME fans,
> >  
> > We are excited to tell you that today we launch our new Friends of
> > GNOME program. Now supporters can sign up to help the GNOME Foundation
> > with recurring $10/month donations. 
> Hello, two questions:
> 1) This page should be localised into other languages. I've looked at
> Damned Lies but haven't found it.

The whole website should be localized. I don't think we have a solution
for translating a single page on the website, and so it all depends on
the effort of adopting the new website infrastructure (which seems to
have stalled again, unfortunately).

> 2) How to add others hackers to the list?

We're considering having a rotating list of hackers so that it changes
every month -- what we don't want is to propose a huge list of people.
Drop me a mail if you're interested in being there.


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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