Supporting GTK+

Good Morning,
Phoenix Technologies is looking to hire either two contractors or contract to full time individuals for our Milpitas site as soon as possible.  Please contact me for more detailed information on scope of project and rates and I will put you in touch with our CTO for further discussions.
I have attached a short job description as well as a brochure concerning our product focus.
Brian Ridgeway
Sr. Technical Recruiter
Global Staffing
408-570-1552 (Direct Dial)
408-710-9434 (Mobile)
Please feel free to send me a LinkedIn invitation (Brian_Ridgeway Phoenix com).

Attachment: brochure_phoenix_05_Standard.pdf
Description: brochure_phoenix_05_Standard.pdf

Attachment: Gaurav.Develop-port desktop applications GTK.doc
Description: Gaurav.Develop-port desktop applications GTK.doc

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