Re: GNOME Hispano Wins the Navegantes de Hoy Awards!

Le vendredi 12 décembre 2008, à 02:32 +0100, Jose Angel Diaz Diaz a écrit :
> Hi all 
> 	Again GNOME Hispano wins Best Initiative in Free Software Awards in the
> Navegantes de HOY 
> 	It's a prize from a great Newspaper in Extremadura, the big one for the
> region. It's for all of you who make GNOME a big family and special
> mention to Javier Serrador our Big translator in health problems and
> that we have all the time in our memory. Thank a lot to all GNOME people
> around the World and specially the GNOME Hispano guys who make it
> possible. 

Woohoo, awesome! Congratulations to the rocking GNOME Hispano community:
you're obviously doing a good job :-)


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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