Re: GNOME Community Celebrates 10 Years of Software Freedom, Innovation and Industry Adoption

    Boston MA, USA -- August 15, 2007 -- A one month, world-wide celebration of
    GNOME's tenth anniversary begins this week, culminating in mid-September
    with Software Freedom Day and the release of GNOME 2.20. During the
    celebration month, GNOME contributors will create a scrapbook wiki recording
    their ten year history, and a commemorative cookery book with "Open Source"
    recipes contributed by GNOME community members from around the world.

Would you please call these recipes "free" or "freedom-respecting"?

To promote software freedom, it is vital to talk about "free
software", because the term "Open source" is most often used to lead
attention away from issues of freedom.

See for
more explanation.

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