Re: Foundation and Source Code Copyright

<quote who="Rodrigo Moya">

> hmm, sorry to say that, but I was under the impression this was suggested
> many years ago (2/3 or maybe 4), and indeed I've written some code myself
> assigning the copyright to the foundation. Usually small stuff that is not
> in GNOME, but I just had a look, and the whole of libgda is (C) The GNOME
> Foundation. So, should all those source files be changed, or can we do
> something about it?

Well, the stated copyright ownership is a mistake, so whether you decide you
want to assign copyright to the Foundation or just correct the problem, you
have to know who *actually* owns the copyright. Going through the logs and
listing committers and attributed contributors would be the first step along
that painful path. :-)

- Jeff

Open Source in Mobile 2007: Madrid, Spain
            o/~ we all live in a yellow subroutine o/~ - auspex

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