Re: Endorsement for Joachim Norieko

    I must say, I hadn't read Joachim's other comments until
    after I'd sent my endorsement.  I stand by my assertion
    that he's been a highly motivated contributor to the GDP,
    although it's now somewhat hard to understand why.

It shouldn't be a surprise.  People have lots of different motives for
contributing to free software projects.  This is a good thing, for the
most part, since it means more progress.  In a practical activity,
such as writing code or manuals, there is usually no practical need to
discuss anyone's motives, since in most cases a contribution only
needs to be judged on its practical merits.  Thus, it is easy for the
difference in motives to go unnoticed.

However, the fact that we don't need to discuss motives most of the
time in technical work should not lead to forgetting them entirely.
Since free software projects generally do include contributors that
are not interested in the free software ideals, and contribute for
other motives, we should take explicit steps to make sure that project
continues to uphold and spread the ideas of free software.

For instance, GNOME documentation provides a good opportunity to
communicate the ideas of free software: freedom and social solidarity.
Does it do so?

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