El dv 02 de 06 del 2006 a les 17:12 +0200, en/na Dave Neary va escriure: > Welcome on board, Quim. Thank you for the trust. Where is the manual? Throw me some tasks... to be started really on July 1st. Let me say thanks to Murray for the ignition, thanks to Dave for the companion and thanks to Luis... not for leaving but for being a referent in many aspects. I still don't know what he does all the time with the bugsquashers ;) but reading him here and there is always a constructive experience. And thanks of course to the open, friendly and welcoming GNOME community, that I'm getting to know in various aspects from my seat at the GUADEC ticket window. For the administrativia and the transparency: I was still affiliated to interactors.coop when I presented candidacy last December, but on January I was already independent and self-employed. Since then I'm working part time for GUADEC 2006, being paid by the Information Society office of the Catalan government (this could be considered my current affiliation) until July 15th. -- Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org
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