Re: (tangentially) was Re: Membership drive


> Budget information is trickling out, and we're engaging in concrete
> plans to do things beyond GUADEC. We still need to be able to do
> things like 'show what we spend money on beyond GUADEC and
> administration', and enhance those aspects of our operation. Past
> that, more than anything else, we need to push foundation PR- the
> foundation needs to market itself to the community and convince the
> community that it is relevant. I think we need to highlight
> 'foundation money did this, foundation employee did that', and do that
> repeatedly. We don't, and that makes people think foundation is
> irrelevant, which is part of why we see such disinterest in becoming a
> foundation member, I think.

While we're on the subject, is there likely to be financial report
anytime soon? Only asking as I uploaded a recent statement, and it would
be good to get a mail from the Foundation to accompany it and explaining
some of the details involved. Tim?


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