Re: buying GNOME merchandise

Hi Curtis,

I've been working for several months getting a merchandising agreement in place for We're in advanced stages of that process, and when we have something concrete to announce, you'll be the first to hear about it.

As for using the logo, members should be able to use it - we need to work out the details (Luis Villa is working on exactly that for a college paper as we speak) and Mairin Duffy is working on a style guide for brand usage. The board has also worked out (and we're just awaiting approval from lawyers that it's acceptable) trademark usage contracts whick are suitable for wide-ranging communtiy uses. This stuff is getting worked out, and we're nearly at a stage where we can stop thinking about it (which is great).


Curtis Hovey wrote:
I recall some local/national licensing deals were in discussion for
official GNOME merchandise.  What is the status of these?  I cannot
locate anything with the GNOME brand, save for the official tee-shirt.

I'm in the mood to put the GNOME logo in my home, office, and clothes,
and I don't wear tee-shirts. will let me create
buttons, posters, and stickers.  I don't believe the Foundation permits
any member to use the logo in this case since the items are available
for sale.  Is this so?  I don't want the money; I would donate all
proceeds to GNOME.  Can the Foundation arrange for such as store?

Dave Neary
bolsh gimp org
Lyon, France

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